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Help us

If you can't sponsor us, you can always help us personally.


As you will understand this trip has a cost, and travel with at least one meal a day and still be able to sleep from time to time, there are some expenses we can't avoid.


 - Return fly from Mongolia 

As the car will be auctioned and the money given to the NGO , we thought it will a little harsh to return by foot, so we will take a lowcost flight

 - Food, water and fuel 

It's a luxury that we can't avoid


 - Camping material 

In order to avoid accomodation expenses, we will be sleeping in a tent

 - A car (with less than 9 years) that can bring us

The age requirement ensures that the car we will give them won't be a useless scrap.

 - Spare and tools

In an ideal trip there are no breakdowns... but this is the Mongol Rally
 - Visas, insurance and others paperworks 

Some countries don't like you to come without warning... and without paying
 - Donations

The inscription has a fee of 1500€ that will go entirely to the NGO Go Help
 - An more …


Of course the economic factor is the most important, but we also accept any material that could be usefull (food, replacements, etc) or donating material for the NGOs.

Help us and get presents!

If you want to help us in donating to GOHelp, chek out the rewards we have ready for you.

If you want to send us something, contact us.

We will publish your name and amount in this site and in our Facebook page, if you want to donate us Anonymously, please tell us at Paypal.


Also if you don't want to receive the rewards, tell us at Paypal.

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